
  • A Review of: Hungry by H. A. Swain

    March 12, 2020 by

    Overall, I give this book a solid… 3/5. The plot itself wasn’t that bad, but the book was… interesting, to say the least. I will insert the book summary below: In the future, food is no longer necessary—until Thalia begins to feel something unfamiliar and uncomfortable. She’s hungry. In Thalia’s world, there is no need… Read more

  • Nonny…

    February 28, 2020 by

    So, I’m taking another break from music today, and I thought I’d bring you a joke. The joke: Annika’s life. Ok, ok, just kidding. But still, that was pretty funny. Don’t you think? No? Just me? Ok then… So, on Annika’s blog, which you should totally check out (Lost, Found, and Everything in Between), she… Read more

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