New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year again… HAPPY 2020 EVERYONE!!!

It’s been one crazy decade…

It’s not only a new year, but it’s also a new decade! To be honest, I don’t feel any different. Some people feel like a whole new person, but that’s not me…

A new year means we all need to have new year’s resolutions. So, here goes nothing:

  • First of all, I want to be more productive than I am now. I mean, I’m productive on some days, and I’m really lazy on the days when I don’t feel like doing anything. This year, I want to make everyday a productive day. Let’s face it—it’s probably not going to happen, but it’s a start, right? To do this, a good idea would be to put away my phone in certain time periods.
  • Second of all, I want to be more open to different types of foods. To some people—wait, let me correct that—to most people, this resolution may be a little weird. As I’ve said before, I don’t eat fruits or vegetables (with the exception of some things such as potatoes, of course). I can’t imagine how unhealthy I am!
  • Third of all, I’d like to be less nervous and anxious about everything. For example, tests and auditions scare me to death. It’s something that everyone goes through at least once in their life. I can start by doing some mindfulness or meditation exercises that are said to help me. So, yeah, I think this one is pretty self-explanatory.
  • Another resolution I have is to read more. Last year, I felt like I didn’t really read that much. When I was younger, I used to be obsessed with books… but guess what I’m obsessed with now? My phone. Or, technology in general. (This reminds me of the theme in the book, Fahrenheit 451… you know, how everyone is obsessed with technology? Don’t get it? Ok, never mind then…). I’m planning to read at least one book a month (apart from books I’m required to read in school).
  • This is going to be my last resolution, because I don’t want to make too many promises that I might not be able to keep. So, finally, I’d like to be more socially active. By this, I mean that I want to have more opportunities to go out with my friends, or to go to big events instead of being home all the time.
  • Ok, don’t kill me for this, but I have one LAST resolution. This one might be pretty obvious since it’s what my blog is supposed to be all about. I want to get better at the flute and become a stronger musician. By stronger, I don’t mean like working out (although I should probably do that), I mean becoming “wiser.” And by wise, I don’t mean wise like Yoda… although, I might mean it like that… who knows?

So, that’s it for my resolutions. Sorry it was really long… again.

Thanks for reading!


“Act as if what you do makes a difference. IT DOES.”

-William James

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