
So, I’m taking another break from music today, and I thought I’d bring you a joke.

The joke: Annika’s life.

Ok, ok, just kidding. But still, that was pretty funny. Don’t you think? No? Just me? Ok then…

So, on Annika’s blog, which you should totally check out (Lost, Found, and Everything in Between), she wrote a whole biography about me. Ah, it feels so good to be so important.

Anyway, I now present to you… THE BIOGRAPHY OF ANNIKA SAVLA! (She doesn’t have a middle name, by the way.)

She is insanely smart and relatable. She loves hanging out with me. I mean, you can totally tell from all the times she’s rolled her eyes at me. Yeah, I annoy her a lot.

Here are a list of all the names I like to call her:

  • Nonny (I don’t even know where I got this from…)
  • Horsey (which is supposed to be a spinoff of Nonny, since horses kind of sound like they’re saying “Nonny!!!”)
    • Ok, actually, horses really don’t sound like that… so never mind.
  • Save La La Land – this nickname is from Annika’s last name, Savla. If you separate the “Sav” from the “La”, you can create Sav(e) La, and add the “La Land” at the end.
  • Niki – to be honest, I don’t call her this often. Most of her other friends do, but I like to be original and make up my own nicknames for her.

So yeah, those are the nicknames for Annika I can think of off the top of my head.

Me and Annika, as best friends, happen to have a lot of inside jokes. One of them includes a carrot. That’s right, a carrot.

It all started when we were in RSM class. We were sitting next to each other, listening to the teacher’s lecture. Annika happened to be doodling and writing in her notebook (as per usual). When I looked closer, I realized she was drawing a beautiful and adorable carrot. It was absolutely stunning. I mean, it probably could have broken a world record for best drawing!

Anyway, back to my story. Annika was drawing, and I was watching. When she finished drawing, I decided to copy her and draw a carrot myself. I poured my heart and soul into that one carrot.

When I finished, Annika dropped her jaw. She then proceeded to say, “hey! Don’t one-up my carrot!”

I, not knowing what I had done, was confused. Annika scribbled in my notebook, “DON’T ONE-UP MY CARROT.” I didn’t know what was going on. Eventually, I stopped being stupid and got the joke, that really wasn’t a joke.

Now, that phrase has become a part of me and Annika’s daily routine. We say it to each other at least once everyday, and we don’t even know why.

Well, I hope you liked my story, or at least understood it.

Here’s the carrot (or at least an online version I found of it):

And that’s it for the blog. Hope you guys enjoyed!



“Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing.”

-Miles Davis

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